kleinmeli on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kleinmeli/art/Final-Fantasy-104600482kleinmeli

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kleinmeli's avatar

Final Fantasy



I TOLD you that I would come up with some „Final Fantasy“ art, didn’t I?

And here is the first one.
I’m so in love with Zack you have no idea…I love “Crisis Core” nearly as much as “Final Fantasy 7” and I still cry when I finish CC. :’( My poor Zack…

This is the first draft if you want…
My favourite Final Fantasy Guys on one picture. :D

I thought about putting Angeal, Genisis and a few others on it as well, but decided against it.
These three will do fine. :D

I’m still undecided if it will be b/w or a coloured drawing, right now I’m more on the b/w path…so we will see.

HOPE you like it! :D
I do.

and before you ask…All I used for this is my beloved pink mechanical pen so far. :heart.

PS. I will kill you if you steal it!!! I MEAN IT!!!!

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© 2008 - 2024 kleinmeli
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Nacht-Kniver's avatar
Well done bro! like the lines used and the proportions too!